
Sarrvesh Sridhar (SKAO) - How to observe your favourite source(s) with the SKA telescopes?

Tuesday 22 October 2024 - 10:30 Tuesday 22 October 2024 - 11:30
Conférencier Sarrvesh Sridhar (SKAO)

Sarrvesh Sridhar (SKAO) - How to observe your favourite source(s) with the SKA telescopes?

Sarrvesh Sridhar (SKAO)


How to observe your favourite source(s) with the SKA telescopes?

Abstract: The SKA Low and Mid telescopes are next-generation flagship radio astronomical facilities that will revolutionize radio astronomy for decades. Both telescopes are complex instruments that can be configured to fit a wide range of science goals, with support for multiple subarrays, substations, and station beams.

In this talk, I will provide a detailed overview of the technical capabilities of the SKA telescopes and introduce several user-facing tools (like the sensitivity calculator and subarray simulation tool) that SKAO has recently released to the community. I will finish my talk with a timeline for construction and the start of science operations, as well as how the community can get involved in the science verification process.

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