Observatory's HRS4R NEWS
>> Welcome booklet : available in english and french (February 2024)
>> Scientific integrity intranet : available in english and french (May 2024)
>> Training and doctoral supervision : available in english and french (September 2024)
> Webinar on doctoral supervision organized on November 8, 2024
New version of the Charter adopted by the European Commission
On July 13, 2023, the Commission adopted the Council Recommendation on the European framework for attracting and retaining talented researchers, innovators and entrepreneurs in Europe. It also adopted a new version of the Researcher's Charter (foundation of HRS4R) and launched the ResearchComp website.
The charter and code, which dated back to 2005, needed to be revised to meet new realities and challenges, including, but not limited to, open science and gender equality.
Have a look to the video broadcasted during OCA Day (October 4th) and see our researchers involved in HRS4R.
>>The working group meetings have resumed. Are you interested in one (or more) of the topics? Join us!
WG1: Integrity and Professional Responsibility (V. HILL)
WG2 (merged): Recruitment / Careers / Working conditions (K. MOUTOU)
WG3: Doctoral training and supervision (C. PETIT and F. MARTINACHE)
>>On May 3, a conference was held online to present the HRS4R label for the research community : How can the HRS4R label meet my needs?
- Watch the video (enter your email prénom.nom@univ-cotedazur.fr)
- See the presentation
>> 39 actions for current and future OCA researchers
>> Actions plan
>> Contact: HRS4R@oca.eu