

A holistic approach to understand Earth formation

  grant N. 101019380



  • C. Burkhardt et al. "Terrestrial planet formation from lost inner solar system material". Sci. Adv. 7, eabj7601 (2021) ( pdfpdf)
  • A. Morbidelli et al. "Contemporary formation of early Solar System planetesimals at two distinct radial locations". Nature Astronomy (2022) doi:10.1038/s41550-021-01517-7 ( pdfpdf) ( pdfsupplementary)
  • P. Sossi et al. "Stochastic accretion of the Earth". Nature Astronomy (2022) doi: 10.1038/s41550-022-01702-2 ( pdfpdf)
  • K. Batygin and A. Morbidelli. "A Self-Consistent Model for Dust-Gas Coupling in Protoplanetary Disks". A&A Volume 666, id.A19 (2022) (pdfpdf)
  • T. Steller et al. "Nucleosynthetic zinc isotope anomalies reveal a dual origin of terrestrial volatiles", Icarus 386 (2022) 115171 (pdfpdf)
  • D. Nesvorny, F. Roig, D. Vokrouhlicky, W.F. Bottke, S. Marchi, A. Morbidelli and R. Deienno 2022. Formation of Lunar Basins from Impacts of Leftover Planetesimals. The Astrophysical Journal 941 (pdfpdf)
  • Nesvorny, D. and 6 colleagues 2023. Early bombardment of the moon: Connecting the lunar crater record to the terrestrial planet formation. Icarus 399. 115545 (pdfpdf)
  • K. Batygin and A. Morbidelli (2023). Formation of rocky super-earths from a narrow ring of planetesimals.\ Nature Astronomy. doi:10.1038/s41550-022-01850-5 (pdfpdf)
  • Woo, J.M.Y., Morbidelli, A., Grimm, S.L., Stadel, J., Brasser, R. 2023. Terrestrial planet formation from a ring. Icarus 396. 115497 (pdfpdf)
  • Kleine, T., Steller, T., Burkhardt, C., Nimmo, F. 2023. An inner solar system origin of volatile elements in Mars. Icarus 397.115519 (pdfpdf)
  • Hellmann, J.L. and 7 colleagues 2023. Origin of Isotopic Diversity among Carbonaceous Chondrites. The Astrophysical Journal 946. (pdfpdf)
  • Dale, K.I. and 7 colleagues 2023. An improved model of metal/silicate differentiation during Earth's accretion. Icarus 406 (pdfpdf)
  • Marschall, R., Morbidelli, A. 2023. An inflationary disk phase to explain extended protoplanetary dust disks. Astronomy and Astrophysics 677 (pdfpdf)
  • Morbidelli, A., Batygin, K., Lega, E. 2023. In situ enrichment in heavy elements of hot Jupiters. Astronomy and Astrophysics 675 (pdfpdf)
  • Woo, J.M.Y., Nesvorny, D., Scora, J and Morbidelli, A., 2024. Terrestrial planet formation from a ring: Long-term simulations accounting for a giant planet instability. Icarus 417. 116109 (pdfpdf)


The following recent publications from our group are also directly related to the project: 


  • Grewal, D.S., Dasgupta, R., Marty, B. 2021. A very early origin of isotopically distinct nitrogen in inner Solar System protoplanets. Nature Astronomy 5, 356–364. pdf
  • Jennings, E.S. and 6 colleagues 2021. Metal-silicate partitioning of W and Mo and the role of carbon in controlling their abundances in the bulk silicate earth. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 293, 40–69. pdf
  • Woo, J.M.Y., Grimm, S., Brasser, R., Stadel, J. 2021. Growing Mars fast: High-resolution GPU simulations of embryo formation. Icarus 359. pdf
  • Woo, J.M.Y., Stadel, J., Grimm, S., Brasser, R. 2021. Mars' Formation Can Constrain the Primordial Orbits of the Gas Giants. The Astrophysical Journal 910. pdf
  • Hopp, T., Budde, G., Kleine, T. 2020. Heterogeneous accretion of Earth inferred from Mo-Ru isotope systematics. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 534. pdf
  • Schneider, J.M., Burkhardt, C., Marrocchi, Y., Brennecka, G.A., Kleine, T. 2020. Early evolution of the solar accretion disk inferred from Cr-Ti-O isotopes in individual chondrules. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 551. pdf
  • Spitzer, F., Burkhardt, C., Budde, G., Kruijer, T.S., Morbidelli, A., Kleine, T. 2020. Isotopic Evolution of the Inner Solar System Inferred from Molybdenum Isotopes in Meteorites. The Astrophysical Journal 898. pdf
  • Kleine, T. and 6 colleagues 2020. The Non-carbonaceous-Carbonaceous Meteorite Dichotomy. Space Science Reviews 216. pdf
  • Morbidelli, A., Libourel, G., Palme, H., Jacobson, S.A., Rubie, D.C. 2020. Subsolar Al/Si and Mg/Si ratios of non-carbonaceous chondrites reveal planetesimal formation during early condensation in the protoplanetary disk. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 538. pdf supp


  • Burkhardt, C., Dauphas, N., Hans, U., Bourdon, B., Kleine, T. 2019. Elemental and isotopic variability in solar system materials by mixing and processing of primordial disk reservoirs. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 261, 145–170. pdf
  • Hellmann, J.L., Kruijer, T.S., Van Orman, J.A., Metzler, K., Kleine, T. 2019. Hf-W chronology of ordinary chondrites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 258, 290–309. pdf
  • Lambrechts, M. and 6 colleagues 2019. Formation of planetary systems by pebble accretion and migration. How the radial pebble flux determines a terrestrial-planet or super-Earth growth mode. Astronomy and Astrophysics 627. pdf
  • Nanne, J.A.M., Nimmo, F., Cuzzi, J.N., Kleine, T. 2019. Origin of the non-carbonaceous-carbonaceous meteorite dichotomy. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 511, 44–54. pdf
  • Worsham, E.A., Burkhardt, C., Budde, G., Fischer-Gödde, M., Kruijer, T.S., Kleine, T. 2019. Distinct evolution of the carbonaceous and non-carbonaceous reservoirs: Insights from Ru, Mo, and W isotopes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 521, 103–112. pdf
